TaeyoungSoft 'ZeTTA PACS' , selected as next-generation PACS of Yonsei…

페이지 정보

작성자 Master 조회 4,326 작성일 22-02-11


TaeyoungSoft Co., Ltd.
specializing in Picture Archiving and Communication system (PACS), was finally selected as the next generation PACS company of korea's largest Yonsei medical center, following the order of PACS migration of seven hospitals of Catholic Central Medical Center in six years from launching ZeTTA PACS.

TaeyoungSoft will establish a new PACS system at Sinchon Severance Hospital and Gangnam Severance Hospital in this project.

Yonsei Medical Center's next-generation PACS project is a large-scale project that requires the migrate of petabytes of medical information, report, and prescription information from foreign PACS to the new ZeTTA PACSand it is expected that it will take months just to move the data..

Taeyoung Soft CEO Na Seung-ho said "TaeyoungSoft is still an image of a growing venture company in the healthcare marketHoweverrecent competition from large hospitals has gave us confidence that ZeTTA PACS never loses to any product if competition is fair.".

He added, "We will successfully complete the large hospital projects to make TaeyoungSoft a growing company that is recognized with technology and integrity in the healthcare market."
Taeyoung Soft Co.,Ltd.

Address : B1505 Gwacheon-sangsang Xi tower, 65, Gwacheon-daero 7-gil, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13840 KOREA

Sales : +82-2-852-5500
Support : 1522-2652
Mail : leon.ha@tysoft.co.kr